Groin pain Part 9: Tips for therapists

Groin pain, Muscle information, Tips for therapists / Monday, August 10th, 2009

The following tips for treating groin pain are for therapists and medical professionals. As a patient you can use these tips as guidelines for choosing  good practitioner.

In treating groin pain, the easiest position I find for working is with the patient’s hip and knee flexed and supported by a pillow or half roll.

When working in the groin, be careful to feel for the femoral pulse in the femoral triangle. Keep your finger on the pulse as you work to remind you where you are.

It is not recommended that you press on the neurovascular structures, but working around them is important to treat the muscles close by, especially the iliopsoas and pectineus.

Because you are working in a sensitive area it is best to use only pressure rather than using techniques like cross fiber friction. Hold pressure for up to 20 seconds but not more.

When the pectineus releases, the patient may feel a warm rush of blood down the thigh. The pectineus, when tight, can press up against the artery and reduce blood flow.

If you use a pressure bar, feel with your fingers first to be sure of your position. If you feel the femoral pulse, angle pressure away from the pulse.

When working in the groin, it is important to explain to your patient where you are, what you are working on and why. Be very specific and clinical.

Trust is really important here, and truthfulness. If you don’t know where you are and how to explain it, don’t go there.