Knee pain: Understanding the calf muscles

Featured, Knee pain, Muscle information

That’s right. The calf muscles can cause pain behind your knee! It’s mostly from the two-headed gastrocnemius you see bulging when athletes go up on their toes, but the soleus muscle makes a contribution. If you have calf cramps at night, then the “gastroc” could be the cause of your knee pain. This one is […]

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Relieving bursitis pain: An explanation that makes sense

Acute pain, Bursitis, Healing, Neuromuscular therapy, Rotator cuff, Shoulder pain

Medical relief of bursitis treats inflammation and pain, but doesn’t always correct the condition because the source may not be effectively diagnosed. Here is an explanation of bursits and its treatment that makes sense. Bursitis means inflammation of a bursa. Bursae are found between body parts that rub across each other to prevent friction during […]

May 27, 2009

Rotator cuff pain: A Neuromuscular Therapy point of view

Acute pain, Arm pain, Back pain, Buttock pain, Chronic pain, Neuromuscular therapy, Rotator cuff, Shoulder pain, Stretching (Active Isolated method)

As a Neuromuscular Therapist, how do I think about these rotator cuff and shoulder pains? The shoulder has only one small joint holding it to the skeleton at the inside edge of the collar bone where it connects to the breastbone (sternoclavicular joint). The stability of the shoulder depends on strong ligaments and on balance […]

May 23, 2009

Chronic headache pain: A Neuromuscular Therapy point of view

Chronic pain, Headaches, Jaw pain, Neck pain, Neuromuscular therapy, Shoulder pain

As a Neuromuscular Therapist, how do I think about chronic headache pain? If medical reasons for headaches have been ruled out, the cause is probably muscular Trigger Points. Examining the muscles in the neck and shoulders usually turns up at least one cause. But finding unhealthy muscles with Trigger Points is only targeting the symptoms. […]

May 15, 2009

Chronic headache pain: Treatment of Melinda W.

Chronic pain, Headaches, Jaw pain, Muscle information, Neck pain, Neuromuscular therapy, Scoliosis, Shoulder pain, Stretching (Active Isolated method)

In the case of Melinda W., I found a scoliosis and lower limb length inequality (LLLI) that were tilting her shoulders, causing tension in the jaw (TMJ) and neck musculature and giving her chronic headaches. I recommended trying a heel lift to level her out, and she scheduled a TMJ evaluation at a major Boston […]

May 14, 2009