Knee pain: Understanding the calf muscles

Featured, Knee pain, Muscle information

That’s right. The calf muscles can cause pain behind your knee! It’s mostly from the two-headed gastrocnemius you see bulging when athletes go up on their toes, but the soleus muscle makes a contribution. If you have calf cramps at night, then the “gastroc” could be the cause of your knee pain. This one is […]

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Arm and hand pain: Checklist of causes, conditions and muscles

Arm pain, Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), Hand pain, Repetitive strain injury (RSI), Thumb pain, Wrist pain

This is the beginning of a series on arm and hand pain which will include thumb pain, hand pain, finger pain, wrist pain, forearm pain and elbow pain. General physiological considerations will be reviewed that affect all of these conditions and syndromes. As a Neuromuscular Therapist practicing in the Metro West Boston area, I have […]

November 10, 2009

Piriformis stretches

Buttock pain, Low back pain, Piriformis syndrome, Restless leg syndrome (RLS), Sciatic pain, Stretches, Stretching (Active Isolated method)

The piriformis stretch is for piriformis syndrome, sciatica, low back pain, deep buttock pain, sacroiliac joint pain and restless leg syndrome. 1) This Active Isolated Stretch (AIS) is absolutely the most effective: Stretch the gluteus maximus first by lying on your back and bringing your right knee to your left shoulder. To do this you […]

November 4, 2009