Knee pain: Understanding the calf muscles

Featured, Knee pain, Muscle information

That’s right. The calf muscles can cause pain behind your knee! It’s mostly from the two-headed gastrocnemius you see bulging when athletes go up on their toes, but the soleus muscle makes a contribution. If you have calf cramps at night, then the “gastroc” could be the cause of your knee pain. This one is […]

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Low back and butt pain: The case of Sidney K, Part 2

Back pain, Buttock pain, Groin pain, Hip pain, Low back pain, Muscle information, Neuromuscular therapy, Piriformis syndrome, Understanding pain

This is Part 2 of a case study. If you missed the beginning, go back to the previous entry. Sidney K. responded well to two Neuromuscular Therapy sessions on the muscles of her low back and buttock in my treatment center near Boston. In the third treatment with her body calmer, emerged what I am […]

November 2, 2009