Acute shoulder and arm pain: A Neuromuscular Therapy point of view

Arm pain, Neuromuscular therapy, Rotator cuff, Shoulder pain / Saturday, March 28th, 2009

In the case of Chad S., his shoulder pain pattern sounded to me like an impingement of the supraspinatus tendon caused by tight rotator cuff muscles combined with Trigger Points from those muscles. Impingement often has a throbbing or stabbing sensation with movement.  


Trigger Points are strong from all of the rotator cuff muscles, radiating into many locations in the upper extremity. The supraspinatus causes pain into the deltoid muscle. If it isn’t effectively treated, the increasing tension and friction it creates from pulling the arm bone (humerus) into the shoulder joint (glenoid fossa) can cause more serious problems. Fraying of the tendon and inflammation from rubbing against the bone above it (acromion process), can lead to bursitis and sub-acromial bone spurs. Shoulder surgery (acromioplasty) is often performed to scrape off the spurs and some of the acromion itself to provide more room for movement without friction. If the tension is not released in the muscles, the cycle repeats itself. Why not do the Neuromuscular Therapy and avoid the surgery?