Numbness in the thigh, a case study, part 2

Acute pain, Back pain, Back surgery, Buttock pain, Chronic pain, Leg pain, Low back pain, Muscle information, Nerve entrapment, Numbness, Structural asymmetry, Surgery

A lower limb length inequality (LLLI) is a factor in the case of numbness in the skin on the outside of this man’s thigh. (Let’s call him Patrick.) Doing a quick check visually, there is a significant difference between the length of his legs, so he bought one of the little inexpensive heel lifts you’ll […]

October 16, 2010

Jaw pain and TMJ: The case of Rodney D.

Jaw pain, TMJ pain

Rodney had been coming regularly to the Massage Therapists in our Neuromuscular Therapy center in Metro West Boston for over a year mostly for maintenance, but he also had specific complaints of jaw and shoulder pain. He decided to try some Neuromuscular Therapy to see if he could get more relief for the shoulder and […]

August 23, 2009