Butt and leg pain from a herniated disc: Treatment of Pablo B.

Buttock pain, Chronic pain, Foot pain, Hip pain, Leg pain, Neuromuscular therapy

The symptoms of butt and leg pain, numbness and burning in the foot and “foot drop” that were caused by muscles in Pablo’s case were treated with Neuromuscular Therapy techniques in my clinic West of Boston. Trigger Points, nerve entrapment (piriformis syndrome), and local muscle inflammation were all addressed.   Treatment included NMT locally in his […]

March 21, 2009

Back pain after surgery: Treatment

Acute pain, Back pain, Back surgery, Buttock pain, Chronic pain, Low back pain, Neuromuscular therapy, Scoliosis, Surgery

If pain continues after surgery it may mean that the diagnosed source for the pain was incorrect. In such cases it is appropriate to treat the muscles rather than the spine. There may continue to be involvement of the spinal nerves from the compression of the vertebrae, in which case relieving the tension around the vertebral […]

March 14, 2009