Arthritis pain relief: An explanation that makes sense

Acute pain, Arthritis pain, Chronic pain, Stretching (Active Isolated method)

In osteoarthritis (rheumatoid arthritis is a different story) there is inflammation in a bony joint with pain and swelling, sometimes resulting in changes to the bone. Joints have nerve endings that tell the nervous system what the joint is doing. Those nerves activate when the pressure in the joint is excessive. Prolonged pressure compromises the […]

June 6, 2009

Thumb and wrist pain: Treatment of Ruby Q.

Acute pain, Arm pain, Chronic pain, Hand pain, Muscle information, Neuromuscular therapy, Repetitive strain injury (RSI), Thumb pain, Wrist pain

At my Neuromuscular Therapy clinic near Boston, treatment in the case of Ruby Q. addressed her chronic upper body tension but focused part of each session on the recent acute thumb and wrist pain that was making it difficult for her to work. In the first treatment, all of the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles were […]

June 4, 2009

Thumb and wrist pain: A Neuromuscular Therapy point of view

Acute pain, Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), Chronic pain, Hand pain, Muscle information, Neuromuscular therapy, Repetitive strain injury (RSI), Thumb pain, Wrist pain

As a Boston area Neuromuscular Therapist, how do I think about thumb and wrist pain? Thumb and wrist pain tends to come from an old injury or from overuse in an occupation, on a computer with a mouse, playing some musical instruments, or from writing, weeding, painting, crafting, or doing needlework that requires a pincer […]

June 3, 2009

Thumb and wrist pain: The case of Ruby Q.

Acute pain, Arm pain, Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), Chronic pain, Hand pain, Neck pain, Repetitive strain injury (RSI), Shoulder pain, Thumb pain, Wrist pain

Ruby Q. was a regular Neuromuscular Therapy patient in my metro-west Boston clinic for stress-related muscle pain in her neck and shoulders. Upper body tension is often the cause of pain in the forearm and hand when there is repetitive stress. (E.Pascarelli, MD) The connection between upper body tension and hand and arm pain is […]

June 2, 2009

Rotator cuff pain: A Neuromuscular Therapy point of view

Acute pain, Arm pain, Back pain, Buttock pain, Chronic pain, Neuromuscular therapy, Rotator cuff, Shoulder pain, Stretching (Active Isolated method)

As a Neuromuscular Therapist, how do I think about these rotator cuff and shoulder pains? The shoulder has only one small joint holding it to the skeleton at the inside edge of the collar bone where it connects to the breastbone (sternoclavicular joint). The stability of the shoulder depends on strong ligaments and on balance […]

May 23, 2009