Knee pain: Understanding the calf muscles

Featured, Knee pain, Muscle information

That’s right. The calf muscles can cause pain behind your knee! It’s mostly from the two-headed gastrocnemius you see bulging when athletes go up on their toes, but the soleus muscle makes a contribution. If you have calf cramps at night, then the “gastroc” could be the cause of your knee pain. This one is […]

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Acute shoulder and arm pain: A Neuromuscular Therapy point of view

Arm pain, Neuromuscular therapy, Rotator cuff, Shoulder pain

In the case of Chad S., his shoulder pain pattern sounded to me like an impingement of the supraspinatus tendon caused by tight rotator cuff muscles combined with Trigger Points from those muscles. Impingement often has a throbbing or stabbing sensation with movement.   Trigger Points are strong from all of the rotator cuff muscles, radiating into many […]

March 28, 2009

Butt and leg pain from a herniated disc: Treatment of Pablo B.

Buttock pain, Chronic pain, Foot pain, Hip pain, Leg pain, Neuromuscular therapy

The symptoms of butt and leg pain, numbness and burning in the foot and “foot drop” that were caused by muscles in Pablo’s case were treated with Neuromuscular Therapy techniques in my clinic West of Boston. Trigger Points, nerve entrapment (piriformis syndrome), and local muscle inflammation were all addressed.   Treatment included NMT locally in his […]

March 21, 2009

Butt and leg pain from herniated disc: The case of Pablo B.

Back pain, Buttock pain, Chronic pain, Foot pain, Hip pain, Leg pain, Low back pain, Neuromuscular therapy

Pain deep in the buttock and down the leg is a disturbing symptom of a herniated disc.A metro-West Boston Physiatrist sent a 60 year old patient for treatment in my Neuromuscular Therapy Center. His pain was one-sided and deep in the buttock. He would feel referred sensations down his leg when he was active and would […]

March 21, 2009