Pain Relief with Massage, Pilates and Neuromuscular Therapy   •  781-326-3841  •

At The Abbott Center we are committed to keeping you and ourselves healthy!

With the growing concern over the spread of the Coronavirus, we want to assure you that we have been proactive since before the local incidents were reported and have increased the protective measures practiced here both with our staff and our facility using guidelines from the World Health Organization and CDC.

Social distancing is most important, so there have been no handshakes or hugs. We ask now that you wash your hands with liquid soap or treat your hands with alcohol-based sanitizers when you come in. We are spraying or wiping door handles and handrails, bathroom and front desk surfaces with diluted bleach all day. The linens on our treatment tables and bathroom hand wipes have always been washed in hot water with bleach. We have removed the fleece face cradle pads and keep the vinyl face cradles sanitized and covered. Blankets and pads that you don’t touch are now being washed with hot water and liquid detergent. Therapists have been instructed to clean anything they touch in the treatment rooms.

We have made our own hand sanitizer using WHO and CDC recipes with 70% alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and essential oils of Eucalyptus, Lavender and Lemon. Aloe Vera juice is used as a carrier for moisturizing. Sprays are available throughout the Center. Purell has been unavailable, but we have ordered large dispensers which are due to arrive 3/16.

In our Pilates Studios, we have always sanitized our equipment after each use with spray and cotton wipes are used only once then washed with hot water and bleach. Our teachers are being extra-diligent to wipe any accessories that are touched by students. The spray we have used contains Tea Tree Oil, and now we have added 10% bleach to those spray bottles specifically for COVID-19 protection.

We want to assure you we are doing our best to keep you protected and safe in our Center.

Because of the ever evolving nature of the situation we are taking each day one at a time. We will notify you immediately of any scheduling changes.

If you have any symptoms (dry cough, fever of any sort) or may have been exposed to the virus in any way, please reschedule your appointment.

Be Well,
The Abbott Center Staff