Pain Relief with Massage, Pilates and Neuromuscular Therapy • Open 7 Days • Gift Certificates Available Online 24/7
Acupuncture points and meridians in Chinese medicine, the chakras that energize the meridians, and the Chi (energy) which creates life in our bodies, have all become familiar to the holistic-minded person. At The Abbott Center we, too, believe in the importance of balanced and properly charged energy systems in the creation of healthy, pain-free bodies. Each therapist approaches the energies with different techniques to achieve a similar state of well-being.
A typical 60-minute Energy Balancing and Healing session in the style of the four-year Barbara Brennan School of Healing (BBSH) includes reading the health and energy of your basic 7 chakras (points of energy intake) with a pendulum followed by a “chelation” or energy balancing. These basics are performed mostly hands-on from the feet to the head. The one receiving the healing is lying quietly on a padded table fully dressed.
Some sessions require extra repair work to the chakras and/or energy field surrounding and interpenetrating the physical body. More advanced techniques are used in an Energy Healing session to do specific repair work. The session ends with another chakra reading to record changes resulting from the Healing and a review of the work done.
After a session, the receiver typically will feel more emotionally balanced and calmer. If there has been pain, those symptoms may be lessened. Other results may not be noticed for a few days as the energy changes. Acupuncture and energy healing are based on balancing the body’s energies to alleviate physical and emotional pain and to create a healing environment for the physical body.
~ Energy Imbalance
~ Emotional Confusion
~ Physical Pain
~ Disease
~ Chronic Conditions
~ Respiratory Problems
~ Trauma
Learn more at our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Detailed fee information is available on our Pricing page.
Present a deserving person in your life a Gift to pamper or heal. Express your love or appreciation by offering any of our services.
Certificates are nicely presented, tied with an orange ribbon in a green gift box with our orange angel logo.
For advice or questions, call and talk to a staff member. OR, you can purchase a Gift Certificate online. Follow the prompts to add a personalized message or greeting and print your gift out on your own printer at home!
Appointment fees are due at the time of your appointment.
We accept cash, personal checks, debit and credit cards (MC, VISA, AMEX, Discover)
Fees may change without notice.
A 24 hour cancellation notice is expected. The appointment Fee may be charged if the time can’t be filled.
Book a Private Appointment Using our Online Scheduler
If you can’t get the time you want, call or email the office. Overrides and additional scheduling may be available.
781-326-3841 •