Pain Relief with Massage, Pilates and Neuromuscular Therapy • Open 7 Days • Gift Certificates Available Online 24/7
I am ready to welcome Neuromuscular Therapy clients back to The Abbott Center!
We truly thank you for supporting us as we rebuild our business after significant losses during the pandemic.
We began reopening our Center the week of June 20th following the State guidelines for “close contact” services. Please know that we take our responsibility very seriously to keep you and our staff safe. We have been diligent in deep cleaning and sanitizing our therapeutic spaces and will continue to follow standards for hygiene, disinfecting and social distancing to stay in compliance with Massachusetts State safety standards.
Here is the protocol I’m asking everyone to follow to keep me and my home safe and to prevent spreading the virus.
Please wear a mask upon entering, bring with you a clean pair of socks, and a check or cash for payment unless you have a credit card on file. (To minimize contact, I will not be physically handling credit cards or receipts.)
Parking and Entering
Park in back and come to the door outside the therapy room at the kitchen porch. I will greet you there.
Inside, sit in the chair provided, take off your shoes and put on your clean socks. Extra time is built into our schedule so distance requirements can be met between clients coming and going.
Before Starting
Go down the hall to the bathroom on your left in your “stocking feet” and wash your hands, then go across the hall to the Changing Room to put on whatever you choose to wear during the treatment from the choices left there for you. Your clothes may be hung on the hooks behind the door in the Changing Room. Come on down to the room we always use. Please don’t touch things that cannot be sanitized easily such as upholstered furniture and curtains.
Before Leaving
After your treatment, please wash your hands, change clothes, and leave your mask on until you have left the building.
This level of protocol is uncomfortable, but necessary, so thank you for being understanding as we ease our way back to a more normal procedure.
I look forward to seeing you again!!!
Book a Private Appointment Using our Online Scheduler
If you can’t get the time you want, call or email the office. Overrides and additional scheduling may be available.
781-326-3841 •